National Young Maestro Competition
Composition Category
Welcome Composers!
Young Maestro International Competition is proud to support young and upcoming composers! Applicants between the ages of 5-21 are welcome to submit solo, duet, or chamber compositions. ​Compositions are accepted in any musical genre and instrumentation. Winners will be honored with a dedicated performance debut in our 2025 Winners Concert Series
where medals will be awarded by our panel of judges.
Composition Category Performers can register at the link found under the 'Application' tab.
Young Maestro Competition
Composition Category Rules​
Application Requirements​​
While most composers of a solo work perform their own pieces in live or recorded performances, this is not required. A musician of the composer's choice may perform the work.
Composers that do not have a musician performing their work (digital) must submit to the Virtual Division. Once adjudicators approve the composition for the next round, a digital performance will be included in the Virtual Division Winners Concert Series and Awards Ceremony.
Composition applicant may submit only one composition. Composition applicant must indicate the Composition Category on the electronic application. Composition applicant must be the sole composer of the submitted original composition.
Applicant may submit their Preliminary Audition recording by the Audition deadline; it is not necessary to submit the recording at the same time as the application. Preliminary Audition Recordings must be sent to YoungMaestroAuditions@gmail.com with the performers name in the Subject Line. ​
The score must be submitted in the same email with the recording (Please see score requirements).
Ensembles that enter the Live Division: the applicant must submit all performer names for our Winners Concert Series programming.
Applicants entering the competition in separate categories (for example: Classical and Composition, OR Jazz and Composition) must submit separate applications for each performance category.
Composition applicants should refer to the time limitations within their age category. Extended duration must be expressly permitted by the Young Maestro Board.
Students MUST perform the same piece in the Winners Concert Series as the piece they presented to the Judges in their Preliminary Round Audition. If a performer needs to change their piece, an official Repertoire Request Change must be approved. Students who perform a piece on their concert event that is different from their Preliminary Round Audition piece without consent will be immediately disqualified.
In submitted recordings, performers MUST be wearing appropriate attire with a professional setting background.
Performers outside of the Continental USA are responsible for the Shipment Fee's for Winner's Boxes.
Application fees and Concerts fees are non-refundable under any circumstances. In the event of an unforeseen catastrophic event, all concert events will be rescheduled, and all recorded events will be re-released.
Judges decisions are final and can not be appealed.
Score Requirements
Scores that are handwritten are not permitted.
- ​The PDF score must be computer generated. ​​​
Recording Requirements​​
Recordings must include correct instrumentation as written by the composer.
Winners are responsible for providing their own musicians.​​
Recordings in MIDI format or Video Recording are accepted.
Soloists must perform selections from memory. Ensembles and duet groups may use the score.
Performers wearing inappropriate attire (in either round/live or recorded categories) will be disqualified. This includes but is not limited to jeans, sportswear, t-shirts, sneakers, ripped or torn items, etc. ​